
Imagine how the “future of living” is going to look like; say in 2020. I remember a story from one of the English textbooks; which talked of people buying oxygen cylinders for survival.  According to the author of that story by the end of 2020; there would be a depletion of oxygen levels in the […]

What is Xbee? Manufactured by Digi International, the XBee module is a modem used for communication in low-power circuits. The applications which use this are typically low-cost prototyping experiments and embedded development. The XBee uses the Zigbee protocol which is used to create low-rate wireless personal area networks (LR-WPANs). The Zigbee protocol is quite useful […]

IoT is a network of interconnected things which enable  things to communicate and take actions even without human intervention.  A thing can be a living thing like an animal, plant or even a person or it could be a non-living thing like a device, vehicle or any other equipment. There is a need of a […]

Introduction IoT works on Machine to Machine communication. The information is mostly sensor based real time information. Message size being very small requires a protocol that does not consume a large part of the bandwidth. This is exactly what MQTT protocol is all about. MQTT is an acronym for (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport). It was […]

About One Wire Protocol One Wire is a serial device communication protocol designed by Dallas Semiconductor Corp. It uses a single wire for bi-directional communication.  It is similar to I2C protocol that helps multiple devices communicate to the same bus but the difference is that one wire protocol has lower data rates and provides a […]

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Introduction to Ambient Light Sensor Lighting is an integral part of a building, be it commercial, official, or personal space. Today’s generation gives predominant importance to energy conservation systems during building construction. Similarly in a greenhouse environment, the lighting system is crucial for plant growth. It is important to measure the light parameters in […]

Automation is a main area where IoT will play a key role in the near future. Automation has transformed operations in many areas, including agriculture. Today, companies are developing prototypes for farm and greenhouse automation. Let us look at how automation is done using IoT based smart farming solutions. SMART FARMING PARAMETERS   In a smart farming […]

What is ESP8266 The world has not been the same ever since Wi-Fi technology has come to the picture, today Wi-Fi is a household name and is part of our day-to-day life, subsequently devices which uses the Wi-Fi technology has also increased many folds. At this day and age of Internet of Things (IoT), there […]

Our IoT team is on a constant experiment trial involving new frameworks and technologies in IoT. The capability of Cylon JS to program Raspberry Pi is what we experimented. Recently we had the opportunity to create a Sunrise alarm clock prototype using Cylon JS, Node JS and Java swing. The idea was to make a […]

When mobile first came to the fore little did we know it would change our world forever. I have been always interested in the way data was transferred between two devices; started off with Infrared technology; but it was Bluetooth that caught the attention all over the world. During the last few years the aura […]

PIR sensor is widely used as motion sensor to detect the human or animal activity in a particular area. All objects emits heat energy in the form of radiation which can be visible when the wave length reaches in the visible spectrum. But there are certain ranges of radiations which could not be recognised with […]

Recently we heard the news that Raspberry Pi (RPi) has shipped its 10 millionth unit to its customers, it is an amazing feat for a company that started its operations roughly 50 odd months ago. So what makes it so popular in the world of techies? The answer would be its simplicity in design and […]

The first edition of IoT Solutions World Congress was a fairly successful event; it attracted delegates around the world who are associated with IoT. It is certainly recognized as one of the leading events globally that focuses Industrial IoT in particular. IoT Solutions World Congress 2016 which will be held at Barcelona promises to be […]

Smart Homes: The one for the future Smart home concept is slowly taking predominance in the designing and construction industry as it offers the control of almost every home peripheral at your finger tip. What if we could control the lights at home sitting at a remote location? Complete home automation is very much a […]

How precision farming helps to counter sudden climate change Climate has a dominant influence on various types of farming, be it livestock husbandry or agriculture. Human intervention has greatly affected the environmental balance, which has made drastic changes to the climate. Precision farming has the advantage that it is tolerant to sudden climate change. For […]

Automating the irrigation control One of the main aspects of farming is definitely the irrigation. There is always a need to use optimum amount of water for better crop yield. Manual irrigation does not always guarantee optimal usage of water resources and automation is very important as it ensures adequate volume of water is pumped […]

Focus on water conservation Water as it was, is and always will be the principal ingredient in farming, no matter how much technologies come and go. Conservation of water has been in every farmer’s agenda for ages, every single farmer would go an extra mile for the optimum usage of water for farming. In this […]

People are always in look out for smart energy saving solutions that would help them reduce wastage of electricity and thereby reducing their monthly bills by a huge chunk. Building automation systems is a hot topic right now and more and more people are becoming interested in automating lot of their day to day works. […]

We have often found machineries and devices unnecessarily functioning without any usage whatsoever. We have seen fans and lights unnecessarily functioning at an abandoned room. The sight of an overflowing tap makes us sad; I can give you hundreds of examples where we waste energy and other resources. The need of the hour is smart […]

What is a Current Transformer We have been working on innovative smart energy saving solutions that can keep a check on those huge electricity bills. One of such innovative instrument is the Current Transformer (CT), also known as instrument transformer which are used to produce an alternating current in the secondary winding which proportional to […]

The rise of connected devices We have been researching how IoT can bring a positive impact in conservation of energy worldwide. IoT solution providers are clearly highlighting this as a game changer in this industry. There is a steady increase in the number of connected objects and is estimated to reach a staggering 25 billion […]

Dashboard in common terms refers to a page or a form that will provide a glimpse of the key performance indicators (KPI) of your business process. Internet of things is growing rapidly. From small start-ups to big technology giants like Intel every company is keen to invest in this innovative technology.The amount of data generated […]

The success of data analytics lies in the idea to how to interpret the data and present it to the audience in the simplest yet insightful way. Let us talk less about the number crunching done by the data scientists using data analytics tools but let us speak only about the data visualization in IoT […]

Technology is finding new dimensions every other day to help us improve considerably in all aspects of life. Imagine if we could do many of the works just by our presence which earlier needed manual effort, nevertheless if the technology is making our life better no one would be complaining. IoT Dashboards are one such […]

The concept of of building and factory automation is gaining momentum by the day. The advent of IoT as a technology has acted as a catalyst towards the same. Our team at WeMakeIoT has experience and expertise in handling building automation projects especially working with PLC and PAC’s. Real time IoT Dashboards are used for monitoring […]

One of the main challenges we encounter during the design phase of an IoT application is the connectivity. The sensors and devices would be distributed across a large area and would have communication protocols of its own. The data obtained from these sensors should be transferred to a web application hosted in a cloud platform. […]

The Era of Analytics Analytics a few months back was like the sensor data consolidated in a data warehouse or server and the analytics report was generated by processing the consolidated data. There are 2 problems with this approach: Too much time to make a decision. The data shall traverse all the way from the […]

One thing that is sure about technology is that it changes rapidly, take IoT for example. Prospective customers are very apprehensive towards choosing an IoT platform that might become obsolete or extremely difficult to customize in the long run. Instead they want to run their projects on more reputed IoT based platforms that would not […]

Today IoT is used in vast domains and architecture, be it building automation, industrial solutions, power management, and many more. The introduction of cloud platforms by technology giants such as Amazon and Microsoft allowed companies to create a cost-effective global network which enhanced their business by many folds. This cloud-based infrastructure helps in getting complete […]

Hydroponics Farm Automation While we all were growing up we were taught that all the crop and farm cultivation is done in the soil; the type and the mineral content of the soil decide the outcome of the cultivation. Now in the second decade of the twenty first century, situations have changed. The fact that […]

The Concept of Aeroponics The concept of aeroponics is fast growing as one of the most sort after farming techniques. Though technically it is a type of hydroponic system, Aeroponics needs much less nutrients and water when compared to traditional hydroponics system. One of the biggest advantages of aeroponics is that it can be set […]

Modbus protocol is mainly used to convey signals from industrial devices primarily involving instrumentation control and data acquisition devices to a typical micro-controller unit (MCU) or to a data collection system. It was published by Modicon in the year 1979. Modbus is a communication protocol extensively used in industries and industrial devices specifically confining its […]

Modbus is a protocol developed by Modicon systems for transmitting data across serial lines between various electronic devices. There will be Modbus master and Modbus slaves, while master will be requesting the information; slaves will be supplying the information. Modbus protocol utilizes a simple message structure, which makes it easier to deploy. It is de-facto standard […]

Industry 4.0 (also known as Industrial IoT) is the hot topic in the field of manufacturing industry today and the initiative is aiming to become the corner-stone of the modern automation sector in the near future. With IIoT reaching its full potential, we can literally craft a smart factory which comprises the applications of Internet […]

The impact of IoT technology is predominant and ever-prevailing in the manufacturing/industrial sector. In the present scenario, IoT has redefined the industrial sector with the introduction of “Smart Factory”. With the advent of a smart factory, we can gather and communicate critical information across an organization with ease. Thus, a smart factory, with the aid […]

The advent of IoT has helped many industries to operate at their optimum efficiency. More than 15 billion devices, be it home appliances, automobiles, machineries and even fabrics everything are connected to the internet as I write. The number of connected devices is increasing by enormous proportion day by day and one of the major […]

IOT and business analytics Innovations were never a novelty in the agricultural industry, right from fertilizers to powerful tractors to using the satellites for planning cultivation. Farm automation techniques have been constantly evolving over the years, which can be attributed to the use of advanced farming technology. The world’s population is growing very rapidly that […]

Creating energy efficient buildings with IoT One of the biggest advantages in using IoT based Building Automation System (BAS) is the ability to integrate latest technology to the existing systems. The advantages of using such automation system includes lower energy consumption, reducing operational costs, enhancing the efficiency of building systems and better occupant comfort. Architects […]

High Temperature Monitoring in Factories In factories, machines are scheduled to work round the clock non-stop; this can lead to an increase in equipment temperature and subsequently put the workers under risk.  Similarly in factories which would have entities and equipment operating close to 1000 °c, high temperature monitoring becomes very important. Imagine a motor […]

Cost-effective asset tracking solutions are adapted by manufacturing and logistics companies to monitor and handle heavy shipments. IoT as a technology is offering cutting edge solutions in this field and can manage extending the asset tracking capability well above a company’s comprehension. Few benefits are of asset tracking solutions are: Supply chain visibility Tamper proofing […]

As an IoT driven development team, we are subjected to work with various platforms and protocols.  In the past we have extensively worked with microcontrollers like AVR, 8051, PIC etc. Among the list, we have mainly worked with AVR microcontrollers like Atmega, Xmega etc.  The latest entrant to that list is STM32 microcontroller. Made by […]

Importance of Building Automation Controllers Programmable building automation controllers constitute the core of any building automation systems. Most of the modern day building automation controllers have the hardware capability to interface with local networks. Equipment such as chillers, air handlers, boilers, fans, lights, pumps, dampers, valves and other mechanical equipment can be scheduled and controlled […]

AWS IoT for home automation AWS, the popular cloud platform from Amazon has been constantly updating themselves with new features, runtimes and services. At WeMakeIoT, we have been using AWS instances particularly AWS IoT rule engine for some of our IoT Partners and home automation projects. AWS IoT is the entry point where data from […]

Industry X.0 is the latest industrial revolution that the discrete manufacturing sector is embracing through machine intelligence and a connected network. IoT is the smart enabler of this leapfrog digital transformation in industrial applications, not just in India but also across the entire world, connecting disparate enterprise assets, processes, and people. Managing the breakneck speed […]

The idea of the Internet of Things (IoT) fostering a connected manufacturing ecosystem has gone way beyond the concept stage, delivering robust solutions that improve productivity and process efficiencies. However, the transition from strategy to implementation has many practical challenges that you must consider right at step one. Else these IoT implementation hurdles will escalate […]

IoT has transformed the entire pace of the manufacturing landscape, ushering in the era of Industry X.0. This incredible technology has created an ecosystem of connected IoT devices and platforms, allowing data to speak, measure, evaluate, monitor, and predict. IoT has hence delivered exponential efficiency across every operational node of the manufacturing landscape. However, one […]

Manufacturing organizations, both discrete and process industries, are engrossed in firing up their systems and processes to win the digital transformation race and get straight into Industry X.0. However, being an asset-intensive industry inching super close to commoditization in most verticals, every manufacturer needs all the technology-enabled differentiators possible to give them an edge in […]

With IoT capturing the imagination of the manufacturing environment, every nook and corner of the production landscape is singing praises of IoT-driven solutions and their advantages, including quick time-to-market, reduced costs of manufacturing, exponentially high productivity, and the list goes on. Across verticals that threaten to go the commodity route, immediate availability of assets and […]

Industry 4.0 is at its zenith, with the new trends and technologies transforming the way businesses are run. Also referred to as the fourth industrial revolution, it encompasses the amalgamation of automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies. The traditional models of production are shifting towards newer approaches, such as smart manufacturing and smart factory. […]

The last decade has witnessed an explosive growth in the number of IoT-driven connected devices in the manufacturing landscape. This explosion has led to a flood of data being generated within the ecosystem, from the production floors and spreading across the entire supply chain. Undoubtedly, in the coming years, this data deluge will continue to […]

seIn any manufacturing industry, particularly in one with geographically distributed assets, reliable monitoring of assets (people, process, and equipment) can be quite a challenge. This challenge arises from multiple causes. For example, onsite staff may be limited or critical equipment failure can occur without warning, creating blockades along the chain. In this situation, remote monitoring presents […]

The most critical element defining the success of IoT implementation in the manufacturing verticals Everything in the modern world is interconnected. Estimates are predicting a whopping 50 billion interconnected devices within IoT by the year 2020. In the last few decades data volumes in manufacturing systems have exploded, but it has not been wholly utilized. […]

The impact of adoption and implementation of IoT applications can be seen throughout the manufacturing industry and beyond. These changes have driven down manufacturing costs, increased production, and improved the quality of goods. Thus, ultimately industrial IoT has helped to accomplish optimization, digitization, visibility of the factory and manufacturing environment, and better customer service. Smart […]

Initiatives leveraging the potential of IoT are on the rise in the manufacturing industry around the globe. For any IoT implementation to be successful, it requires the right software platforms to deploy, control, and connect IoT devices, as well as to capture data from those devices. IoT platform, in a broad sense, can be described […]

Every successful implementation of Industry 4.0 depends primarily on effective and seamless data management. This requires efficient handling of a deluge of data, which has to be accurately collected, stored, prioritized, grouped, analyzed, and ultimately transformed into actionable insights. Smart factories contain many thousand sensors and industrial control systems throughout the value chain that can […]

The primary asset in any industry and the most valuable part of all organizations is their human capital. Hence, it is no surprise that worker safety is a core concern across industries, especially in the manufacturing ecosystem. Protecting workers’ security, tracking them remotely, and ensuring the best working conditions for them is a constant challenge […]

An organization’s competence in asset management practices is defined by its asset performance efficiency and its maintenance audit approach. A comprehensive maintenance audit achieves this requirement. Yes, maintenance audit is a comprehensive inspection of an asset and its maintenance activities. This approach determines whether the organization’s assets are performing satisfactorily. Thus, the primary focus of […]

Over the last decade, IoT applications have emerged as a leading force, offering technological solutions to a wide range of industries and steadfastly transforming the global economy. From home automation to healthcare to manufacturing, IoT technology is proliferating in every aspect of the modern world. The oil and gas industry, too, is discovering smarter alternatives […]

In the highly competitive global economy that exists today, businesses cannot afford to compromise on quality. With IoT applications penetrating deeply into manufacturing, these industries can leverage its benefits to aid them in guaranteeing quality assurance of their processes and products. Data, when collected and analyzed, can help manufacturers assure the quality of their processes […]

Convert Terrifying Challenges to Inspiring Success Stories Automobile manufacturing has always been at the forefront of engineering innovations, but, today, the radical transformation in the auto industry is spurred by technological advancements. However, IoT solutions for automotive manufacturing, in particular, have ushered in the era of new connected services and automation in auto industry. IoT […]

Horror stories of IoT cybersecurity failures are a constant nightmare across the manufacturing ecosystem. In 2010 a Stuxnet worm targeted PLC systems at a Uranium enrichment facility in Iran. First launched in 2008 as a series of cyber-attacks, it targeted the computers regulating the speed of the centrifuges. The attackers then infiltrated into the IT […]

Minimize equipment downtime across your production floor  In the manufacturing sector, equipment downtime is one of the largest sources of lost production time, which in turn causes operational delays and loss of revenue.  Downtime is any period of time when a machine is not in production. Unplanned equipment downtime at any point in the production […]

Process optimization in manufacturing verticals refers to improving a set of parameters to maximize efficiency. It encompasses identifying methods that would optimize various facets of the production floor including machine utilization, discovering bottlenecks, resource allocation, removing unnecessary costs, eliminating redundancies, streamlining operations etc. Irrespective of what the product is, all process manufacturers have many common […]

In today’s highly competitive global economy, a product’s poor quality can cause dire financial implications for companies with Custom IoT solutions. Defective products inevitably lead to increases in warranty costs and damage customer trust. There is also the loss of money and time in taking actions to remedy the situation. In cases where a recall is […]

The smart factory is not a mere concept anymore, it is all about managing a continuous stream of data from production equipment and machines in a connected environment. The smart factory is an actual upgrade from the traditional automation systems into a flexible fully connected environment. Being in the field of Industrial IoT solutions, we […]

Custom IoT solutions as a technology have bridged the gap between physical and the virtual worlds. The data from the connected devices can be exchanged in real-time for anomalies and analysis. Most researchers say there would be approximately 26 billion connected devices in the world within the next couple of years. Nowadays we are seeing […]

We Make IoT Happen – I attended the IoT India Congress held on 9th and 10th October 2018 as a delegate from WeMakeIot. It was a highly fascinating event with people from companies such as Reliance Unlimited, Cisco, Bosch and Tata to name a few. There were also students from top Universities like SRM, VIT, […]

Discrete manufacturing includes a host of industries including automotive, aerospace, defense, consumer goods, industrial machinery, and components industries. All of them face common challenges such as resource volatility, product complexity, traceability, global competition, increasing customer demands, and shorter innovation cycles. The question at this juncture, in front of the discrete manufacturers, is “Do you want […]

Finding the right IoT Partners. IoT is a booming market around the world. In India, the market for IoT is estimated to reach 9 billion USD by 2020. The power of IoT can bring in higher clarity on the working insights through enhanced connectivity and powerful analytical tools. A majority of the global giants in […]

How Remote monitoring of industrial plants works We all agree to the fact that the job of a plant manager or supervisor is tough and demanding and it requires Remote monitoring. The managers must be constantly on their toes to ensure that the critical machines in their plants are operating at maximum efficiency thereby having […]

A senior plant manager’s biggest wish would be that to control, view and manage their hundreds of machines in their production line using a simple dashboard that could be accessed from anywhere and anytime. The digitalization of factories using Industrial IoT solutions and advent of smart data processing platforms have already transformed the factories and […]

  In one of our earlier blogs, we had talked about how Industrial IoT solutions are making the Smart Factory and connected. But what exactly are the advantages that Smart Factory solutions bring into the fore? First we can look at the challenges that the factory managers are facing. It’s a no-brainer that most managers […]

The exploding population around the globe has thrown in many challenges to agriculture and food production. Against the many hurdles of resource depletion, climate changes, and environmental impact resulting from intensive farming practices, the rising demand for food has to be met. IoT applications technologies like IoT in agriculture could have the greatest impact to […]

Industrial IoT solutions allow seamless integration of equipment data with the existing IT infrastructure thus connecting various systems together thus making factories Industry 4.0 enabled. The pervasiveness of such solutions lies in its ability to provide real-time as well as prescriptive data analysis, which will help the authorities to make proactive decisions for the betterment […]

IoT Applications – Laying the Foundation of a Robust Smart Factory in Manufacturing The hottest trends in manufacturing right now are the smart factory and the Internet of Things. IoT-driven applications are used to create a digital factory where machines, systems, and humans are interconnected to coordinate tasks along the value chain. This smart factory has the ability […]

IoT solutions The digital revolution is here and like the many industries across various sectors, the food industry is also beginning to see the impact. Slowly, but surely, the food processing industry is becoming smarter. With the IoT driven applications, the food suppliers, processors, and retailers are uncovering new opportunities that influence productivity and safety. Innovation […]

Smart Tracking and Tracing with IoT Manufacturing IoT manufacturing, value chain visibility remains a key challenge for manufacturers, causing inefficiencies and errors, and inhibiting optimal performance.  IoT driven technologies can help to create a smarter, more connected factory floor that incorporates complete visibility, enabling manufacturers to take a holistic view of what is going on across […]

Getting maximum intelligence out of the sensor collected data is key to a company’s decision-making process and ultimately its success. How can an enterprise ensure that the data is clearly and effectively communicated to the people in real time? The answer lies in The adoption of a robust and efficient IoT dashboard development strategies for […]

Must-have features for an effective IoT dashboard design and development IoT dashboard design support real-time decision-making. They help visualize the key parameters that ultimately drive the decision-making of a company. For this, the information must be easy to interpret, alert users to problems, make the next action obvious and should be automatically updated with the […]

IoT Asia 2019   We attended the recently conducted IoT Asia 2019 at the Singapore EXPO as exhibitors. Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Foreign Affairs, kicked things off with the opening address. The event was host to thousands of delegates from various industries. All of them were seeking to learn about the advancements in IoT […]

The challenge that organizations faced that some prefer to solve the problem with a generic custom IoT solutions and try to replace a whole system in place. A few will identify the problem and always the right custom solution that solves the problem. By assessing our customers’ unique needs, we create custom IoT solutions that […]

Custom IoT solutions At wemakeIOT, we make real-time control of IoT platforms using industry-specific and application-specific solutions. From concept generation, prototype, software development and deployment, we support our partners in cost effective Custom IOT Solutions. We have developed several custom IoT solutions. Based on the client’s needs, we have developed web applications, codes for device […]

The Internet Of ThingsCustom IoT solutions in the UK is a critical part of the Digital Revolution that the current generation has already adopted. Connected objects are touching over lives positively, helping to better manage our homes and offices. Our health, surroundings and our assets are the touch points for IOT and facilitated by the […]

Internet-Of-Things – The future is going to be exciting With the Internet-Of-Things, the future is going to be exciting with a network of connected devices and sensors. The biggest value of IoT is the continuous acquisition of data. By analyzing sensor data, companies can identify operational bottlenecks, optimize energy consumption, predict equipment maintenance in advance, […]

Pycom an IoT Technology Company Pycom IoT technology company that has pioneered an innovative IoT platform aimed at removing barriers and reducing time to market. They have a unique range of hardware and software products that creates an ecosystem between connected devices and connects developers, enterprises and consumers. Our emphasis is on their controllers which […]

Internet of Things (IoT) for Small and Medium Industries Industry 4.0 is in every industries door-steps. Internet of Things makers is providing useful ideas for innovative digital solutions in the industrial sector. They are sharing industry best practices,  project events and impulses to get started in the industrial IoT. They are convincing how agile development […]

The Internet of Things (IoT) and IoT-connected devices include everything from smartphones and smart factories to airplane engines and smart nursing stations. There are hundreds of  IoT service providers across the globe offering Internet of Things devices and services, and it is challenging for customers to choose the right supplier or IoT partners for their […]

Global Machinery Manufacturers are facing high competition such as delays in releasing new designs, increasing complexity in engineering, changing demands from end-customers in machine use, and faster time-to-market. They have to reduce to cost of operations as well as increase profitability. There is a huge potential for custom IoT for industrial machinery manufacturers. Internet of […]

What Is a Smart Farm? Smart farming is an emerging concept that refers to managing farms using technologies like IoT, robotics, drones and AI to increase the quantity and quality of products while optimizing the human labor required by production. The technologies available for present-day farmers are: Sensors: soil, water, light, humidity, temperature management. Software: […]

Making smarter water decisions While there are many factors that impact the health and quality of a harvest, water is the most vital one. Water Irrigation management plays an important role in ensuring that crops are getting the right amount of water at the right time. The Internet of Things (IoT) is making it easier […]

Introduction One of the main challenges in growing crops is the irrigation system. An optimum amount of water needs to be supplied to the crops, after analysing various environmental conditions. The traditional way of determining the amount of water to be used can lead to the wastage of this precious resource. Internet-of-Things (IoT) can be used […]

Smart farming applications Limited natural resources and competition have put pressure on farmers to maximize productivity from the available farming facilities.  Across the globe, they are facing water shortages, limited land availability, and fluctuating resource costs. Technologists in agriculture are advising farmers & growers to adopt innovative smart farming solutions to overcome these challenges. These […]

IoT for Greenhouse Automation. The primary aim of a greenhouse is to be able to control the growing environment. A limited range of temperature, soil moisture, light, humidity, air, and nutrients are the factors required to grow plants. A greenhouse aids in plant growth and reproduction by helping control some of these factors. A greenhouse […]

IOT in water trough monitoring Livestock farming is the primary source of income for some farmers around the world. They own lands that span acres and have cattle grazing all across it. Farmers propagate livestock for providing food commodities like meat, milk and eggs. Livestock can also be the sources for fibre and skins used […]

The theme for IoT India Congress 2019 was ‘Mainstreaming the Internet of Things’. The event was organized by the Institution of Engineering and Technology which made it fitting for Mike Carr, the President of the IET to kick things off. The IET influences and encourages the global engineering community to make use of technology to […]

IoT Security using AWS AWS IoT core service is used by devices to connect and send messages to the AWS cloud. Its main components are:  message broker – receive and transmit messages,  device shadow – manage current state and update state changes rules – process incoming messages based on some pattern, registry – keep track […]

  As services, devices, and systems around the world get connected, consumers enjoy several benefits, such as ease of communication and higher efficiencies. The Internet of Things, better known as IoT, works in tandem with Artificial Intelligence to make our lives easier. It helps in shifting the paradigm from cloud networking to a more decentralized, […]

Internet of Things (IoT) solution development consists of the hardware, the software and the connectivity. To build a reliable, secure and scalable IoT device is no simple task. Many factors need to be taken into consideration while developing solutions involving connected devices. It is integral to choose the sensors, controllers and communication networks best suited […]

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a booming technology that offers users a multitude of component options to build their products and solutions. It is imperative to select the right hardware, software, and connectivity for IoT applications. In the present day, IoT solutions have so many connectivity options, that it leaves one confused on which […]

In the world of emerging technology, Prototypes and Minimum Viable Products (MVP) are terms we often come across. Both these terms are associated with the steps involved in converting an idea into a final product. So, what are prototypes and MVPs? What value do they add through their creation? A prototype is a sample. They […]

WeMakeIoT Proud to Be Named Top Emerging Tech Developer by Clutch! Here at WeMakeIoT, we believe in the future of IT solutions. That means that not only do we invest in the web and mobile development of today, but we also work with the emerging technologies of tomorrow. IoT isn’t in our name by accident: […]

PWAs in IoT What are Progressive Web Apps or PWAs? How important are they in successful IoT deployments? Web Apps and Native Apps attract different kinds of users with the features they offer. Native Apps are known for providing a seamless experience to users by enabling smooth usage of the mobile device’s features like the […]

Introduction As the Internet of Things (IoT) gets smarter, the volume of data produced by sensors is steadily increasing. According to International Data Corporation (IDC), by 2025, there will be 41.6 billion connected IoT devices, or “things,” generating 79.4 zettabytes (ZB) of data. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and IoT have the potential to work together and […]

IoT or Internet of Things is the next revolution in the technology sector. IoT is transforming Electronic Manufacturing industry. According to John Greenough, a senior research analyst at Business Insider [BI] Intelligence, manufacturers worldwide used 0.25 billion IoT devices in 2015 and the number is expected to touch one billion by 2020. This technology is […]

IoT Platforms An IoT platform is a set of multi-layered technological entities that includes software services, systems, and smart physical objects, all connected and working together. IoT platforms serve as a meeting point by integrating multiple devices, and thereby enables the management, provisioning, and automation of all the smart and connected devices in an IoT […]

The Internet of Things: What You Need To Know Every morning, your bathroom heater automatically turns on. Your windowshutters open on their own. Your coffee machine starts brewing a cup of coffee foryou. And all of this is not because your house is haunted. This is the Internet ofThings, known popularly as IoT.A technology utilizing […]

Before we begin, here is an overview of what’s transpiring in the tech realm. You could be a Business Manager, the Founder of a tech startup or a developer wanting to specialize in IoT services. If you are reading this, you are probably interested to see what the Internet of Things revolution (IoT) is all […]

When it comes to technological innovation, the cloud and the Internet of Things are at the forefront. The two technologies can be utilized in a single environment harmoniously for a wide range of benefits. The cloud augments storage and data processing capabilities with fewer physical resources, while IoT’s fast wireless communication speeds and availability can […]

We’ve survived many months of uncertainty, isolating ourselves in our homes. Economies have started rebooting their operations. Things are starting to become normal despite the looming threat of the world’s most feared pandemic. For businesses, the ‘reboot’ process will not be smooth. There were a lot of struggle for business during Covid-19. Employers are still […]

  How IoT Is Improving The Electronics Industry Out of the many industries that the Internet of Things has been reshaping at incredible speed, the electronics industry is at the top. It took almost a decade for us to shift from ‘on-premise data center only’ to the cloud. Today, the cloud is now being complemented […]

IoT contributing growth of Startup The Internet of Things did not take much time to transform a simple buzzword termed ‘Connected World’ into a reality. Today, IoT has become an integral part of not just various industries but also our lives in the form of smart vehicles, smart homes, etc. A more profound impact of […]

It’s now evident how many industries are getting great benefits after integrating IoT into their business ecosystem. Though there are results, the hard part comes when choosing an IoT platform that can help a business reach its goal faster. This is where businesses have to choose between building an IoT platform that’s just perfect for […]

How IoT Fuels Digital Transformation Connected devices are all the rage now. Every year, more companies step forward with a common goal of harnessing the Internet of Things, one of the most rapidly evolving technologies in this digital era, to trigger a digital transformation that can secure their business’ future. But, the hard truth is […]

Consumer IoT and in-premises IoT ecosystem constitute the two ends of the Internet of Things spectrum. Wearables and monitoring devices with sensors are already part of a consumer’s daily life. Meanwhile, leading corporations leverage IoT for controlling costs, improving productivity, optimizing processes and even for scheduling maintenance. Between the two ends of the spectrum lies […]

When all the devices that we use are evolving with more features and benefits, how can they automate the buildings we live or work in? Technology is already picking up its pace to transform homes and workspaces into smart, automated environments. And these are what we call Building Automation systems. Technology has the power to […]

Wearable Pet Devices The modern lifestyle has made people busy and stressed, motivating them to adopt pets as companions to relieve their stress. This growing pet adoption has resulted in demands for pet tracker devices to ensure that the pets are safe and not stolen. It is expected that by the year 2026, the market […]

Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth LE, colloquially BLE) is a wireless personal area network technology designed and marketed by the Bluetooth SIG (Bluetooth Special Interest Group) aimed at novel applications in the healthcare, fitness, beacons, security, and home entertainment industries. Bluetooth Low Energy is intended to provide considerably reduced power consumption and cost while maintaining a […]

When people think of traditional vending machines they usually think of the snack and beverage vending machines. But how is a smart vending machine different from a traditional one?  The answer lies in the intelligent systems used to bring the machines online. With the use of modern technologies, vending machines have quickly evolved into new […]

Data logging is the process of collecting and storing data over a period of time in different systems or environments, regardless of the method used. It involves tracking a variety of events and interactions through which data, files or applications are stored, accessed or modified on a storage device. Data logging is generally associated with […]

Serverless architecture is a software design pattern that allows developers to build and run services without having to manage the underlying infrastructure. The developers can write and deploy code, while a cloud provider provisions servers to run their applications, databases, and storage systems at any scale. Serverless environment provides the flexibility to pay-as-you-use. In this […]

LoRa (short for long range) is a spread spectrum modulation technique derived from chirp spread spectrum (CSS) technology. This wireless technology is characterised by low power and long range allowing users to deploy into remote areas with low maintenance. Since its long range, there is no need of installing gateways back to back – one […]

LoRaWAN is a popular technology for trackers due to its low power consumption and long-range capabilities. Trackers are used in multiple applications like: Pet tracking Fleet tracking People tracking Shipment tracking and more. They are also available in multiple form-factors ideal for different use-cases. We have implemented different types of trackers as detailed below: 1. […]

Aquaponics is a combination of Aquaculture, which is farming of fish and other aquatic animals, and Hydroponics which is growing plants without soil. Aquaponics is a synergy between plants and aquatic ecosystem. It uses these two in a symbiotic combination such that plants are fed the aquatic animals’ discharge or waste. How does it work? […]

The Helium Network is a decentralised wireless network using the LoRaWAN system, powered by Helium Blockchain. By deploying a hotspot in your home or office, you can provide your city with miles of low-power network coverage and earn a new cryptocurrency, HNT(Helium Network Token) . It has become the fastest growing network with more than […]

One popular LoRaWAN gateway we have used is the Dragino LPS8 LoRaWAN gateway. LoRaWAN gateway has the primary purpose of bridging between LoRa and the internet. LPS8 supports both Wi-Fi and ethernet. The data from LoRa end nodes can be picked up by the gateway antenna and with the help of the concentrator and packet […]

The advancement in technology has entered into the world of farming and poultry. A smart poultry farm consists of three major components: poultry house, poultry feeder, and smart feeder. The feeder will be able to dispense the required amount of feed at the desired time to the poultry birds, and it is also capable of […]

The LoRaWAN specification is a Low Power, Wide Area (LPWA) networking protocol designed to wirelessly connect ‘things’ to the Internet and targets key Internet of Things (IoT) requirements such as bi-directional communication, end-to-end security, mobility, and localization services. It wirelessly connects devices to the internet and manages communication between end-node devices and network gateways. An […]

The internet of things (IoT) is growing at an unprecedented rate, with more and more businesses  connecting devices every day in large numbers. This offers huge potential for organizations in terms of Business Intelligence, AI, ML , Analytics etc, but it also comes with new challenges in terms of managing these devices. IoT platforms is […]

IoT platforms are crucial components of an IoT system, enabling the deployment and management of IoT devices and applications. The Internet of Things (IoT) has transformed the way businesses and individuals interact with technology. IoT platforms are designed to help users connect, manage, and control their IoT devices and data streams, providing a centralized hub for all their […]

The University is a leading institution for learning and research, particularly in the fields of IoT, communication infrastructure, and application development. To facilitate student projects and research, University has chosen the device-agnostic and network-agnostic IoT middleware, SensorVision. This blog highlights how SensorVision, with its versatile features and support for various IoT technologies, empowers the students […]

A leading device manufacturer in the energy management and monitoring industry collaborated with WeMakeIoT to explore the potential of the SensorVision IoT platform. This partnership aims to enhance their service offerings and provide added value to their clients. With a focus on two frontline IoT devices used for monitoring energy consumption in ATM centers and […]

In the rapidly evolving landscape of the Internet of Things (IoT), businesses and individuals alike are embracing the potential of connected devices to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and enhance everyday experiences. However, before diving headfirst into the world of IoT, one crucial decision must be made: selecting the right IoT platform. With a myriad of […]

Revolutionize Asset Monitoring with ThingsBoard and LoRa Devices In the fast-paced world of business, staying ahead means keeping a close eye on your assets. The Internet of Things (IoT) has opened up a world of possibilities for businesses looking to enhance their asset monitoring capabilities. Discover how integrating LoRa devices like leak detectors and PIR […]

In today’s interconnected world, the Internet of Things (IoT) has become a game-changer, revolutionizing the way we collect, process, and visualize data from various sensors and devices. In this blog post, we’ll dive into a project that bridges the gap between two powerful IoT platforms, Chirpstack and Thingsboard. But, we won’t just be providing a […]

The primary goal of this system was prompt and accurate gas leak detection and tracking their occurrence to specific floors within the building. The solution built in 2018, consisted of micro-controller units (MCUs), gas detection sensors, RF modules, a web application, and a mobile application. Let’s delve into the details of this use case. Components […]

Introduction In today’s rapidly depleting non-renewable sources of energy from fossil-fuels, the demand for clean, renewable energy is higher than ever before. Solar photovoltaic (PV) plants have become a cornerstone of sustainable power generation, but to ensure their optimal performance, you need more than just solar panels. You need real-time insights, data visualization, and powerful […]

In a world driven by the Internet of Things (IoT), managing and making sense of the vast amount of data generated by connected devices can be a daunting task. At WeMakeIoT, we have gained the experience in helping you with the right tools you need, to effectively manage and make sense of your IoT devices […]

In today’s fast-paced world, understanding customer behavior and optimizing resource allocation is critical for businesses of all sizes. One of the most valuable insights for retailers, event planners, and facility managers is footfall data. Tracking the number of people entering or exiting a specific area can provide essential information for decision-making. That’s where SensorVision, our […]

  In the current business environment where the need for automation has become inevitable, asset management and security are essential. The risk of misplaced or stolen assets can lead to financial losses and operational disruptions. The use of IoT solutions to track assets and prevent thefts is the most efficient way to manage this. The […]

In the ever-evolving world of agriculture and aquaculture, technology continues to play a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency and sustainability. One such innovation is the integration of IoT (Internet of Things) into aquaponics systems, transforming traditional pond management into a seamless, automated experience. WeMakeIoT’s SensorVision is a custom IoT platform that brings control and monitoring […]

Wineries and wines have undergone many transformations over the years and it will continue to do so at a faster pace in the coming years. The future of wine is predicted to be very different a decade from now. Climate change and technology adoption are considered to be the major catalysts for this change. Sustainable […]

The integration of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) into lighting solutions had opened up new possibilities for remote management and diagnostics. Our recent project involved the development of a smart lighting solution with BLE-enabled lights, integrated with the power of the Sensor Vision platform. This blog post explores the key aspects of the project, focusing on […]

  Long-range (LoRa) technology has emerged as a robust solution for IoT communication, offering an extended range and low power consumption. In this blog, we delve into the world of LoRa point-to-point communication, sharing our experience at WeMakeIoT where we successfully utilized ESP32 development boards and LoRa E5 modules to transmit and receive LoRa messages. […]

The agricultural landscape is undergoing a technological revolution, and at the forefront of this transformation is the advent of Smart Farming. Leveraging the power of the Internet of Things (IoT), farmers are now equipped with innovative tools that provide real-time insights into their operations, optimizing resource utilization, and ensuring sustainable farming practices. In this blog, […]

Building Automation Systems (BAS) have long played a crucial role in managing a building’s internal environment. However with the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), BASs are undergoing a significant transformation. IoT helps in transforming BAS from reactive to responsive. Traditional BAS relies on pre-programmed logic to regulate building systems. While effective, they lack […]

  What are the benefits of IoT-powered Asset Management? Traditional asset management methods using spreadsheets and barcode scanners are slow, prone to error, and offer limited visibility. This can lead to lost or misplaced equipment, wasted time searching for assets, and inefficient resource allocation.The Internet of Things (IoT) offers a transformative approach to asset management. […]

  Optimizing asset tracking is paramount for success in today’s competitive logistics landscape. The JT808 protocol, a prevalent standard in vehicle tracking, offers a robust framework for communication between devices and platforms. However, unlocking the true value of JT808 lies in effectively decoding its data streams for actionable insights. The Challenge: Decoding the Language of Efficiency A logistics […]

Dispenser machines are a ubiquitous part of our daily lives, offering everything from hand sanitizer to paper towels. However, a single empty dispenser can disrupt user experience and cost businesses revenue. Our IoT solution uses real-time level monitoring to transform dispenser management systems. This end-to-end IoT solution empowers features like: Sensor Integration: Proximity (PR) sensors trigger […]

AWS Cognito is a powerful cloud service offered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that simplifies the process of implementing user authentication and authorization in your web and mobile applications. It handles the complexities of user management, allowing you to focus on building core features of your application. Key Components of AWS Cognito: User Pools: User […]

Building a Smart Garden: The Role of ESP32 In the realm of sustainable urban living, smart gardens have emerged as a promising solution. These innovative ecosystems empower individuals to self-produce their yield while minimizing their environmental impact. At the heart of these systems lies the ESP32 microcontroller, a versatile and powerful device that plays a […]

In modern industrial settings, where machines operate under intense conditions, monitoring temperature levels is essential to prevent hazards like overheating and fires. To meet this critical need, we’ve developed an advanced temperature monitoring system powered by the versatile ESP32 microcontroller, offering both robust performance and intelligent battery management. At the core of this smart system […]

As the demand for efficient and sustainable farming practices grows, technology has stepped in to transform agriculture. One such innovation is the Smart Irrigation Controller System, a solution designed to automate and optimize irrigation processes, reduce water waste, and boost productivity. At the core of this intelligent system lies the versatile ESP32 microcontroller, a powerful […]