Must-have features for an effective IoT dashboard design and development
IoT dashboard design support real-time decision-making. They help visualize the key parameters that ultimately drive the decision-making of a company. For this, the information must be easy to interpret, alert users to problems, make the next action obvious and should be automatically updated with the most current data available. IoT dashboards should incorporate these design capabilities to aid in make quicker decisions and monitoring efficiency.
Here are some of the features to keep in mind while designing and developing an IoT dashboard:
- Real-time dashboards usually contain data that is time-sensitive. Old data is not useful, and in today’s digital world, data a few hours back could be ‘old’. The data should be displayed on dashboard in real or near-real time for quick responses from the company and employees.
- A poorly designed dashboard will not be used effectively. An effective IoT platform should have a live, visualized dashboards and reports with just a few clicks. It should have a simple and clear representation of data that is easy to understand.
- Most companies use a mix of old and newer systems and devices among the many users. Be sure your dashboard allows for cross-platform compatibility so that everyone needed can have access. It should be designed to run on any smartphone or table or personal computer.
- Every business has unique parameters it needs to track, and specific users that need to be alerted on demand. Alerting users to problems is important for any real-time dash board. IoT dashboards need to allow you to set custom alerts for various users for immediate notifications.
- An effective dashboard needs to have a responsive design. For e.g. if real-time dashboards need to effectively trouble shoot issues, the tool should point users to what they can do when a problem arises. This can be displaying the contact information of the right person to call or listing the steps to be taken in case of critical missions.
- The dashboard software should incorporate various sharing options. These options should include sharing dashboards with other employees in the organization or with external viewers by URL or automated email reports.
- Data visualization tools should be incorporated efficiently to help the display is the most meaningful way. A good dashboard software should provide numerous chart options as well as other features like tab rotation, animation options, dynamic images etc.
The need of the hour for businesses is a fully customized real time IoT dashboard development strategy that visualizes the data coming from the sensor devices. Flexibility and usability are key in the development of IoT dashboards. These dashboards should be interactive and allow the users to perform various operations that will bring out meaningful insights that supports their decision-making capabilities.