
The success of data analytics lies in the idea to how to interpret the data and present it to the audience in the simplest yet insightful way. Let us talk less about the number crunching done by the data scientists using data analytics tools but let us speak only about the data visualization in IoT Dashboard. Why is this topic of significance? Simply because there are many data analytics tools and many dashboards based tools available in the market. It is many-to-many join that we need to perform and assess in order to decide the best IoT dashboard for your IoT solution.

IoT as a technology is growing by the day and the volume of data pumped by the sensors to the controller units are huge in number. Today business users are looking for tools that can handle big data and compute complex data analytics for their business. IoT dashboard is set up to streamline these data flow into a visualization mode.

With the advancement of technologies, the capabilities of data visualization tools are increasing. These visual data presentations help business stakeholders immensely in their decision making process thus scaling up their business growth.

IoT dashboards ought to be interactive so that it allows decision makers to play around with the charts or graphs to bring out more meaningful insights. Customizable dashboards are the order of the day since each user needs their own personalized dashboards. One could easily customize the dashboards all by themselves and share it with others. The IoT dashboards essentially need to be optimized and responsive to any screen size or operating systems because people now use a variety of smartphone / tablet / PC.

IoT dashboard services in the cloud shall have good connectivity option as there may be the need of integrating third party plugins to the dashboard platform like feeds from news boards, social media, etc. Any new information source shall be easily integrated and made readily accessible. Quick mashups could be created with live raw data from these sources.

So here is a checklist for the qualities of a good IoT dashboard that can work seamlessly with Data Analytics tools:

  1. Interactive visualizations
  2. Customizable layout
  3. Sharable
  4. Responsive design
  5. Interoperability with broad set of information sources

If you are in the market for a dashboard with all these features, checkout Sensorvision

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