

Our client, a leading German automotive parts manufacturer wanted to develop a wireless asset condition monitoring system and track the condition & position of the machinery for their shop floor unit in India. The unit consists of high tech machinery for molding, pressing and loading of gearboxes and the components which weigh above 5 tons. These company assets will be monitored for performance and utilization to bring data insights which will help in proactive maintenance and ensuring worker safety. Parameters such as vibration, temperature and location should be monitored and viewed through an on-premise installed web platform.


Wireless asset condition monitoring & tracking solution was implemented with the help of active-RFID sensors & tags, access points and a full-fledged web platform at client’s premises. These sensors and tags would pick parameters such as vibration, temperature and location and the access points would pass on the data to the stand-alone solution deployed in a dedicated on-premise server.

The active-RFID sensors were tagged on over-head crane motors, fork-lifts, transformers; electrical panels etc. & the access points were placed at ideal locations to maximize the line of sight. The wireless asset condition monitoring data from the sensors would be collected using a Node-RED service, stored in a MongoDB database and pushed to a web API. The streamlined data was integrated and subjected to further analysis in the web platform.

Technologies :
Key Technologies:
  • Node-RED​
  • MongoDB
  • Drupal
Main Hardware Used:
  • Accelerometer​
  • Temperature sensor
  • Location tags
  • RFID Reader
  • Antennae