

Develop a web application for user management, device management, data visualization and e-commerce integration.They wanted us to develop a 5 page web app to interact (read/write) text files. The files are created/maintained by another C app. The web app should be light enough to run on a Raspberry Pi.


Our application for Phase1/PoC consisted of a single web page where user could select the type of data and user would be presented with the list of files in the category. Upon selecting the file, data in the file will be presented in the required Chart format. There are 15000+ points in each file leading to a very dense graph. We have enabled zooming on x axis to view part of graph in detail. We developed a web application for device management where the technology stack chosen was Python with Flask framework. Flask is a lightweight microframework for web applications. The sensor data is captured and saved in text file. Sensors are added to the application. The web application will display the required visualizations for the end user to view and take required measures. The devices were mainly vibration sensors. We applied Fast Fourier Transform algorithm to the data and displayed the graphs. RSSI values, Defective indexes, amplitude-frequency graphs, device management are some of the features implemented. There is 15000+ points in each file leading to a very dense graph. We had delivered the web application with English, Japanese & Chinese language support. The client can add new language translations with minimal effort.