
IoT Asia 2019


We attended the recently conducted IoT Asia 2019 at the Singapore EXPO as exhibitors. Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Minister for Foreign Affairs, kicked things off with the opening address. The event was host to thousands of delegates from various industries. All of them were seeking to learn about the advancements in IoT and find solutions for their requirements as well as improve existing business processes.

We were lucky to get to listen to the enlightening words of executives from industry leading companies like DELL and IBM, as well as the excitement and worries of new ventures. They spoke about the pain points they were experiencing and how they were trying to alleviate them. Ensuring scalability seemed to be the most common difficulty faced by new ventures in this constantly changing technological environment. Almost all the speakers at IoT Asia had one message in common that they wanted to convey. The Internet of Things is about partnerships. Partnering with other companies to help ease each other’s struggles is the way to go rather than to try and build every component of a solution on your own.

Among the exhibitors at IoT Asia were corporate giants like IBM, Siemens and STMicroelectronics. It was a great experience visiting the stalls and speaking to fellow exhibitors about the uniqueness and applications of their solutions. We were showcasing our Industrial Monitoring, Asset Tracking and Custom Solutions to this highly knowledgeable crowd. Our Asset Tracking Solutions received the most attention with the crowd stunned at our differentiators of having a 500-meter radius and a 20-year battery life. We engaged in conversations with several delegates from the manufacturing industry looking to make their warehouses smarter and be in control of their assets.

Hundreds of conversations, smiles, cards and handshakes later, it was time to wind up. IoT Asia was a major success and the most fruitful one the company has attended. We achieved clarity on the market requirement, which was the essence of the event for us. We left satisfied and knowing that we’d be back next year for another two incredibly insightful days of IoT.

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