

What Is BLE?

Bluetooth Low Energy or BLE is a wireless technology used to connect devices. Bluetooth Special Interest Group (Bluetooth SIG) developed this technology focusing on industries like healthcare, security, home entertainment, etc. The BLE is Bluetooth version 4.0 and focuses on the Internet of Things (IoT) application.

BLE is a low-power wireless technology that transmits a small amount of data at lower speeds. BLE is used in low bandwidth applications, transmitting sensor data, control devices. It has low-duty data cycles and operates in a channel having a radio frequency above 40. BLE also has a quicker connection capability compared to its previous versions. Bluetooth 5 introduced in 2016 is a modification on BLE enhancing speed, range, and data capacity.


Why BLE is used ?

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) uses 2.4 GHz radio frequencies allowing dual-mode devices to share a single radio antenna while using a simpler modulation system. BLE is a leading Internet of Things (IoT) technology due to its low cost and demand in the development community. BLE employed in smartphones provided the opportunity for IoT developers to massively scale their operations. BLE can be operated in ecosystems that require 1 MB/s throughout.

Bluetooth Low Energy Architecture

Use Cases with BLE

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