In a world driven by the Internet of Things (IoT), managing and making sense of the vast amount of data generated by connected devices can be a daunting task. At WeMakeIoT, we have gained the experience in helping you with the right tools you need, to effectively manage and make sense of your IoT devices […]
Introduction In today’s rapidly depleting non-renewable sources of energy from fossil-fuels, the demand for clean, renewable energy is higher than ever before. Solar photovoltaic (PV) plants have become a cornerstone of sustainable power generation, but to ensure their optimal performance, you need more than just solar panels. You need real-time insights, data visualization, and powerful […]
The primary goal of this system was prompt and accurate gas leak detection and tracking their occurrence to specific floors within the building. The solution built in 2018, consisted of micro-controller units (MCUs), gas detection sensors, RF modules, a web application, and a mobile application. Let’s delve into the details of this use case. Components […]