Process optimization in manufacturing verticals refers to improving a set of parameters to maximize efficiency. It encompasses identifying methods that would optimize various facets of the production floor including machine utilization, discovering bottlenecks, resource allocation, removing unnecessary costs, eliminating redundancies, streamlining operations etc. Irrespective of what the product is, all process manufacturers have many common […]
Minimize equipment downtime across your production floor In the manufacturing sector, equipment downtime is one of the largest sources of lost production time, which in turn causes operational delays and loss of revenue. Downtime is any period of time when a machine is not in production. Unplanned equipment downtime at any point in the production […]
Horror stories of IoT cybersecurity failures are a constant nightmare across the manufacturing ecosystem. In 2010 a Stuxnet worm targeted PLC systems at a Uranium enrichment facility in Iran. First launched in 2008 as a series of cyber-attacks, it targeted the computers regulating the speed of the centrifuges. The attackers then infiltrated into the IT […]
Convert Terrifying Challenges to Inspiring Success Stories Automobile manufacturing has always been at the forefront of engineering innovations, but, today, the radical transformation in the auto industry is spurred by technological advancements. However, IoT solutions for automotive manufacturing, in particular, have ushered in the era of new connected services and automation in auto industry. IoT […]